work with me

Endo Sister Support Session

(virtual or in person Central Coast, Sydney & Newcastle, NSW, Australia)

DISCLAIMER: ‘Endo Sister’ refers to Alex as a cis-female. Endometriosis patients of any sex, sexuality, gender, colour, religion, socio-economic status etc. are welcome to enquire about Alex’s ‘Endo Sister Support Sessions’

Have you ever wanted to speak to someone who just gets it? 

Endometriosis is a beast even when you have access to the best information and care. Without the right support and knowledge, it can get very dark out there. Find the light in your endometriosis journey with an Endo Sister support session (online and in person). 

Alexandra Mitchell has been dealing with extrapelvic endometriosis symptoms since the age of 8 and throughout the past seven years has built a network of international endometriosis and chronic illness experts. Alex is your endo sister for hire (Owner of Invisible Iconic, Founder of Invisible Iconic Podcast, Invisible Iconic Endo Circle, past Extrapelvic Not Rare (section 501.c3 NFP) board member, formerly in Disability Discrimination at the Australian Human Rights Commission).

In the 75 minute support sessions you will receive a bespoke, informational support session based on current medical literature, expert worldwide education and personal experience tailored to your endometriosis symptoms and current circumstances. Alex will provide you with a post-session action plan to discuss with your personal healthcare team so that you can move from the darkness into light.